Monday, November 17, 2008

Version control virtual machines.

Version control virtual machines?
Yes, it is possible.

It was some obvious advantages of virtual machines that made
them popular. If you're not familiar with virtual machines or not
aware how they will help you in various scenarios, please check out this link Virtual Machines.

After using virtual machines extensively, I found that keeping
track of these virtual machines was real big problem,
knowing application installed without starting virtual machine,
storage demand every time you want to save state of a machine,
letting other teams to know that we already have
required virtual machines were some of the other problem with
virtual machine management.

Then I found
Colama a product developed by Coriolis Technologies.

I was amazed to see how simple it became to manage my virtual machines. Colama addressed almost all the problem which I had come across.

Here is one snapshot of Colama with Windows 2000 virtual machine checked in.

Some of the interesting features of Colama are :

1.Checking in virtual machine.
2.Checking out a virtual machine.
3.Creating a clone of virtual machine.
4.Tagging a virtual machine.
5.Details of virtual machine like application installed, owner of the machine, OS version etc etc.
6.Grouping virtual machines.
7.Searching for a required virtual machine. Etc etc.

Few very good article talking of version controlling virtual machines are :

1. VirtualMachineVersionControl
2. VirtualMachineSprawl

-Tushar Murudkar

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